Examples of what passes for a satisfactory job for a lot of contractors

This is a Gas Pipe !!! - No more said
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You may hope that when having installation work done you will get a decent job, unfortunately the world does not work like that. Plainly and simply the overwhelming majority of installation work is completly shambolic and tawdry. There are huge skill shortages resulting in very few craftsmen capable of producing quality work or that are motivated to do so. Most definetly a symptom of the age. Contractors that you may find in the classifieds of your local paper are banging away rewiring houses for an unrealistic couple of grand much the same as they were charging 30 years ago.

Stop and think about it, do Mercedes sell a car for what they were charging back in the early 1980's?


Coincidentally this was just before they rushed headlong into the pursuit of profit by abandoning a decades won reputation of producing the best engineered and most reliale cars ever made! The beancounters strike again.


It is of course all about filthy lucre. Bash! Crash! and Hi Ho Silver Away!

I do not work in that manner, over the years I have gained a reputation for producing high quality work.

It takes longer, costs more but you will benefit from an electrical, plumbing or heating system that will be operational for many years to come and when it becomes necessary it is fully servicable.