Preferred Web Browsers:-

The HEMC Web site is built using technologies to maximize speed, security and usability for our visitors. For optimum performance, we recommend that you view our site using the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Netscape or Google Chrome. As we develop our site, we continually test with and optimize for these browsers. You can download our recommended browsers from the following sites:

Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6 or higher (Windows)
Mozilla Firefox version 1.5 or higher (Windows or Mac)
Google Chrome version 2.0 or higher (Windows or Mac)
Netscape version 7 or higher (Windows or Mac)


Microsoft Internet Explorer for Macintosh is no longer supported by Microsoft, and it is no longer listed as a recommended browser for the HEMC Web site. We recommend either Safari or Firefox for Macintosh users.


Browser Plug-Ins:-

Using a variety of technologies, HEMC gives you a dynamic Web experience that's fast and easy to use. The following plug-ins, all available via free downloads, will help you get the most out of HEMC:

Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or higher - Adobe Acrobat PDF files.
Adobe Flash version 9 or higher - Required throughout the website.
Quicktime - for playing Quicktime audio and video files.
Real Player - for playing audio files.
Windows Media Player - for playing audio and video files.